Well, That Sucked

I got really bummed during the pandemic and let this site rot as a result. I, like many of you, lost friends, neighbors, and family members. I also had some big life changes that took up a lot of time and attention. I changed jobs, I moved to a new house, I even had a Read More …

Thanks for the Beer!

I’m not going to lie. I, like many of you, have been pretty bummed out by the world lately. My apologies for slacking on updates as a result. But, there was one ray of light in Banana Peel Land recently. I signed up for the Amazon Associates program in hopes of making a little beer Read More …

Shaping in Place

The pandemic has required some adjustments so I’ve gotten a little behind on posting on the X6 progress. Now that I’m starting to get a new routine going under lock down, I’m hoping to catch up on posts. If you were looking to make a board, now would be a great time to do it! Read More …

Gear Guide now up

After writing the spot guide to Jetty Island, I thought it would be helpful to talk a little about some of the gear I’ve found useful at our local spots. Check out the new Gear Guide for info on Kayaks, Gear Bags and more that I’ve found helpful at Jetty!