Well, That Sucked

I got really bummed during the pandemic and let this site rot as a result. I, like many of you, lost friends, neighbors, and family members. I also had some big life changes that took up a lot of time and attention. I changed jobs, I moved to a new house, I even had a kid graduate high school. After more than two years of being cautious, not getting COVID, and not updating this site, I got COVID which ironically is giving me some breathing room to update this site. I also want to thank my friend Amy who recently pointed out that this site has been useful to folks getting started at Jetty Island. I always felt that when I see someone other than me drop a link to this page for someone new that I will have succeeded. That almost happened, it was close enough and her encouragement gave me that little bit of motivation to blow the dust off of this thing.

I have updated the Jetty Island guide already with the latest info. There’s been some changes to parking, the ferry, and the facilities.

I have also built three boards since my last post. Because I’m playing catchup, I’m not going to go into super depth about their construction. I do have a big idea for an upcoming board that I will probably do a deep dive on when I get there. I still have no delusions of going pro with board building, but it continues to be something that I deeply love to do.

Oh, and at some point, I may give a write up on where the magic happens. Since I moved, the Shred Shed is no more. Instead I have a Shred Shop and, well, the place I call my Kite Dungeon. Hey, you have your fifty shades of Grey, I have my fifty knots of Wind.