X6 – Hotwire Cutting

There is one step left to finish up our home brewed blank and that’s to cut the foam to the stringer. We made the stringer and hotwire guides together to ensure the had the same profile. Now we’ll use those guides to cut the foam.

Because I’m putting much nose in this board above the deck, I left the deck flat and flush with the foam. This makes it really easy to line up. Once lined up, I keep everything in place some clamps.

For the cutter I built, I found that 3 amps is the least I can go and get a good cut. It’s good to make sure you have a way to adjust how much juice you’re giving it.

Give it the juice!

Do your cutting in a well ventilated area and make sure you have the proper respirator for the type of material you are working with. I’ve found that foam will bead up on the wire when you cut so when you flip the switch the stuff on the wire from the last time will burn off and generate some fumes. So make sure you are properly protected before you turn on the cutter.

With the juice on, it’s simply a matter of dragging the wire across the guides. I like to do one side at a time so I can get a good clamp on the guides across the top. The cut takes seconds.

With that, our blank is done. It’s time to shape!

Finished Blank!