X6: Traction Pad

Traction pads use a marine adhesive that bonds super strong and is hard to get off if you mess up so this is one step that you want to measure twice and apply once on.

A shaper’s square is handy to kick things of with the back pad. You can use a pencil or some tape to mark things off.

When applying a pad, what you want to do is mark where it will go, peel the backing off just enough to get started then work your way up the board while massaging the pad on and peeling the backing off.

Work the pad on from one end to the other.

This video has the best description of the process that I have found:

Once you’ve got the back pad on, what I like to do is use some tape along the stringer to mark the spacing I’m looking for.

Pencil placement marks and tape guides

Follow the same process for all the pieces.

And with that, the only thing left to do is install the fins and take it for a ride!